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South Hobart Yoga & Meditation
offers yoga and meditation as a path to wholeness.

 During each of our holistic classes you will experience a range of yoga practices that aim to bring balance and harmony to the body, mind, heart and spirit.

Postures - asana   ||   Breathing techniques - pranayama  ||   Meditation - dharana

Relaxation techniques - yoga nidra   ||  and more ...

NEW day time class with Janny starts September 3rd -
Tuesdays 10 - 11.30am Yoga & Meditation.  Suitable for beginners.

The next round of 6-week mindfulness courses starting October 14th -
Intro to Mindfulness for beginners:  Mondays 4-5pm (ONLINE only)
Developing Mindfulness for continuing mindfulness practice: Mondays 1.30-3pm

Half Day Workshop - Sunday September 22nd -
the first in the Sacred Earth Series with Janny

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Have a look at our full range of regular weekly classes, courses, workshops and events -


Here is what some of our students have to say about the importance of yoga in their life -

Michael has diabetes

Yoga is helping me develop a connection between my mind and body that I have missed before. The best and most noticeable change is a shift in motivation to better manage my diabetes. In such a short time, my practice at SHYAM is accelerating my healing in ways I wasn’t expecting. 

Emma suffered with PTSD

I have found peace and calm for the first time in decades! I am a living example that through yoga and meditation there can be a full recovery from post-traumatic stress disorder and that the power of recovery lives inside every one of us.

Colin looks forward to yoga

Yoga has become part of the structure of my week. It’s something I look forward to and value. I know it helps me physically and mentally. Yoga is non-judgemental, you can tread your own path at your own pace. 

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Street Address


14 Weld St

South Hobart

Tasmania, 7004

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